2 visualize

At 2Visualize, Inc., we create videos and images for nonprofit groups to use in their fundraising campaigns. As part of a grant application or fundraising campaign kickoff, these videos and images clearly illustrate the goals of the fundraising efforts and how the campaign aligns with the overall mission. A clear and concise presentation will exemplify how the campaign and its success can increase the current base of goods and services that the institution provides. These tools also serve the larger purpose of extending the influence and credibility of your institution and their fundraising efforts.

In a general sense, 2Visualize provides the tools to create greater publicity and visibility for the institution and the campaign. When decision makers can visualize the purpose of the fundraising efforts, enthusiasm builds within the internal and external constituency. A clear vision and greater support also means you are better equipped to recruit and train new volunteer leadership. If your goal is to increase the number of contacts serving on behalf of your organization and increase their effectiveness by generating a greater understanding of the mission and overall goals, 2Visualize can help. By utilizing our services, support for the cause can be broadened and major donors and prospects may increase their giving thresholds. These tools will help volunteers and benefactors understand and appreciate the ultimate goal, and thereby increase efforts and success.

With our help, an organization can clearly show why it is important to those it serves and to society as a whole. Let us help you show why your institution needs the money and what end is met through the proposed campaign. In recognizing that these goals cannot be met without the contributions and the cumulative purpose therein, donor participation and maximization can be achieved.



This flyover is being used by volunteers with the people they meet, direct mail DVDs and on the non-profits website.
Part of the campaign is to raise funds to buy the property.





high resolution video

low resolution video

What is amazing about this fundraiser ending is that all the backgrounds are virtual. They were designed by Architects, engineers and interior designers but we digitally built these at a fraction of the cost of real sets.





high resolution video

low resolution video



SNC Youth School

This visualization is for 501 (c3) non-profit that is fundraising for a new multipurpose gym and classroom addition (on the left) to their existing building (on the right).



ROC Development

This image is being used to raise $8.0 million to convert an (almost) abandoned strip mall into a place that brings in at-risk youth from the Richmond VA area. The latest news is that the fundraiser has achieved 70% of its goal within one year!
